Automobile Accident Attorney In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Knowledgeable & Experienced Accident Lawyer

Car accidents often create serious financial consequences. They can lead to damaging physical and emotional injuries, pain, and suffering. When an accident is caused by the negligence of another, a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyer can help you pursue compensation to pay for your past and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, and inconvenience. For twenty years, our attorneys have helped personal injury victims when they needed representation.  

The Most Common Types of Automobile Accidents We Handle:

  • Rear End Accidents
  • Head-On Collisions
  • Improper Lane Changes
  • Failure to Stop at a Red Light or Stop Sign
  • Failure to Yield
  • Reckless Driving
  • Excessive Speed
  • Drunk Driver
  • Rollover Accidents
  • Tractor Trailor and Truck Accidents
Car on the road with a damaged bumper
Driver looking through windshield to see a truck in front of them

What To Do If You Have Been in An Accident

If you have been in an accident, the most important things you need to do are to gather and preserve your evidence. If you have been injured to the point where you are unable to gather information, you should have a friend or family member assist you. It is important for you to take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicles involved in the accident, and the accident scene, if possible. You should also take pictures of any bruises, or other visible injuries you may have, if you are able to do so to document your injuries and the progress of your recovery.

You will also want to obtain the identifying information for the other driver, their insurance information, the name of the officer investigating the accident, and the names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident. If you are unable to gather this information, the most important contact you should retain for your records is the name of the officer, and the law enforcement agency they work for.

Document Your Recovery

Make sure to ask for copies of your medical records. Discharge instructions are not the only records kept by your medical providers. If you are unable to collect these records, our office can take over the process of collecting them on your behalf.

Keep a daily journal to document your recovery. As time goes on, you may forget important details about your injuries and treatment. Your journal will help you keep track of this information. Note your pain level on a scale of 1-10 for any injuries you are recovering from. If you have activities that you are unable to engage in, include them in your journal. Also include any medical appointments you attend. If you have a head injury, keep track of any symptoms you experience including headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity, nausea, loss of balance, sleep disturbances, or memory or cognitive issues.

Signing a document
Car driving on highway into the sunset

Comparative Fault in South Carolina

The State of South Carolina uses the comparative negligence standard. This becomes very important in cases where two or more parties are at fault for an accident. Under South Carolina’s comparative fault rules, parties are held liable according to the percentage of responsibility they have in causing an accident. For example, if you were in an accident with another vehicle, and you were determined to be zero percent at fault for the accident, you would be able to recover the full amount of your damages. However, if you were found to be 20 percent at fault, your damages would be reduced by that same percentage. Additionally, South Carolina has a 51 percent bar on recovery. That means that if you are found to be at fault for 51 percent of an accident, or more, you cannot recover any compensation.

What is Negligence?

Simply put, negligence in a car accident case is the failure to take proper care when driving a motor vehicle, or breaching a legal duty imposed by law during the operation of a motor vehicle.  The legal concept of negligence may appear to be relatively straightforward, but applying it to real life scenarios can often be complex.

To successfully pursue a claim for negligence, you must prove the following:

  • Duty:  An obligation imposed by law.  For example, in the context of operating a motor vehicle, the law imposes a duty to take proper care; keep a proper lookout; maintain control of your vehicle; to give proper time and attention to driving; and to obey the motor vehicle laws of the State of South Carolina. 
  • Breach:  A breach is the failure to live up to a legal duty.
  • Causation:  There must be a causal connection between the breach of duty and the plaintiff’s injuries. 
  • Damages:  The plaintiff must have suffered actual, compensable damages. 
Damaged front end of a car
Car driving next to a truck on the highway

Recoverable Damages

Recoverable damages in a car accident case in South Carolina include:

  • Medical expenses, including any future medical expenses.
  • Loss of wages due to being too injured to work, or missing work to attend injury-related medical appointments.
  • Loss of future earning capacity, if the injury results in a permanent disability that prevents the injured person from doing the same work as they did before the accident.
  • Property damage, such as the cost of repairing or replacing the injured person’s vehicle.
  • Physical pain and suffering.
  • Mental or emotional distress.
  • Loss of companionship or consortium, which is collected on behalf of the injured person’s spouse, due to loss of physical intimacy or companionship caused by the severity of the accident victim’s injuries.
  • Inconvenience.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, in which the defendant’s carelessness or recklessness was particularly egregious, you may also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are not related to the injuries suffered by the accident victim, but are to punish the at-fault driver for their behavior, such as in cases caused by an intoxicated driver. In South Carolina, a complaint seeking an award of damages for negligence can ask for punitive damages but cannot state an amount of said damages.

Time for Filing an Auto Accident Case

In general, you have up to three years to sue for personal injury or wrongful death in a South Carolina traffic accident. However, there are exceptions that can reduce this time in some cases. In cases involving state employees, deadlines to preserve a claim start to run in one year.

Crescent moon and palm tree

Trial Experience is Critical

Trial experience is critical for a personal injury attorney. We have decades of litigation experience, and we will put that experience to work for you. Vanessa Reed’s insurance defense background places her in a unique position to know how insurance companies prepare, evaluate, and defend their claims. This experience provides our clients with valuable insight that allows them to maximize their recovery. We prepare every case as though it will go to trial. That preparation provides the best possible leverage for our clients. 

Lawyers working around a Gavel on a table

Schedule a Free Consultation

At The Reed Law Office, we give every case personal and individualized attention. We take time to get to know you, and how your injuries affect your life. We will help you understand the litigation process, the value of your case, and answer any questions you may have.

You can rely on us to put our experience, skills, and resources to work to safeguard your rights, protect your interests, and obtain maximum compensation for your injuries. To schedule a free consultation, contact us.